INFO - Time Zones

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INFO - Time Zones

Postby insanehippie » Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:20 pm

For those who want their forum clocks to be setup correctly, here are the setttings. Go to your profile section and pick the right setting.

US Eastern Time (Daylight Savings) = GMT - 4
US Eastern Time (Standard) = GMT - 5

US Central Time (Standard) = GMT - 6
US Central Time (Daylight Savings) = GMT - 5

US Rocky Mountain Time (Standard) = GMT - 7
US Rocky Mountain Time (Daylight Savings) = GMT - 6

US Western Time (Standard) = GMT - 8
US Western Time (Daylight Savings) = GMT - 7

US Alaska Time (Standard) = GMT - 9
(Daylight Savings?) = GMT - 8

US Hawaii (Standard) = GMT - 11
US Hawaii (Daylight Savings) = GMT - 10

Canadian Atlantic Time = GMT - 3
(Daylight Savings?) = GMT - 2

Iraq = GMT + 3
Paris, France = GMT + 1
Kuwait = GMT + 2

If anyone needs any other time zones let me know. has a listing of them.

(Updated on June 12th with Iraq, Hawaii, Alaska, Paris France and Kuwait time) - A proud Red State Conservative, and Un-Reconstructed Southerner!
God Bless the Troops.
"Why not the Time Cube?" The only reason is educated stupidity.
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